John and I, together with his mother, lunched at Kenny Rogers before proceeding to watch the Chinese movie at 1pm. A martial arts film based on the life story of Yip Man, the Grandmaster of the Wing Chun style of kung fu and master of legendary kung fu superstar Bruce Lee. It focused on events in Foshan during the Japaneses Occupation of China. Read all about the making of the movie, 'Ip Man' at Wikipedia.
We enjoyed the movie tremendously. Donnie Yen who starred as Yip Man, stood out well in poise, style and calmness in tensed situations. A wonderful plot that will hold you with awe and suspense yet filled with some moral teaching to make you ponder!
Later in the night, John and I, together with 3 other couples were invited to Steven and Sook Wan's home to fellowship and usher in the new year 2009. After new year greetings were exchanged and birthday wishes sung for me, we then adjourned to a Chinese eatery for supper. Here again, treated to noodles by Steven and spouse.
Finally retired to bed almost 2 am on the first day of 2009! A day and night well spent and enjoyed!
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